
Is your relationship worth saving?

Is your relationship worth saving?

No relationship is exempt from fights and arguments. After all, we are all human and if you are having fights with your partner, you are no different. But if the fights get too serious and never ending, you may want to take stock of the situation and find out if your relationship is worth saving or not. Take this quiz and find out for yourself.


Suppose you come back home from work and start crying because your boss unfairly yelled at you. What would your partner's reaction be?

How well do you know your partner's parents?

How often do you and your partner fight and how long do these fights last?

When was the last time you went out on a romantic date or an outing with your partner?

Despite the arguments and the fights, do you and your partner still talk about your future together?

Suppose you fall sick and get hospitalized. Would your partner come and visit you every day?

What did your partner give you as a gift on your last birthday?

When you meet your partner in the evening at home, does he/she ask you how your day was?

How serious are your fights with your partner? Have either of you ever called the cops on each other for domestic violence?

Is your relationship worth saving?
Your relationship is worth saving
Your relationship is worth saving. You may be having regular fights with your partner but deep down inside you both seem to know that you are made for each other. You both still display feelings of genuine care, concern and love for each other.
Your relationship is on the rocks
Your relationship is on the rocks. You seem to have tolerated a lot of arguments and fights with your partner. Your relationship is literally on the rocks and if you both don't make active efforts soon, your relationship may be beyond repair.
Your relationship does not seem worth saving
Your relationship does not seem worth saving. There seems to be no end to the fighting between you and your partner. You both can't stand each other and are always at each other's throats. The differences seem too serious and chances of reconciliation seem bleak.
You and your partner have mixed feelings for each other
You and your partner have mixed feelings for each other. It's difficult to make a general statement whether your relationship is worth saving or not. Sometimes you and partner are extremely caring about each other and sometimes it's just the opposite.
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