Do you believe in vampires?
Are you a globetrotter?
How would you like your holiday to be?
Which will be a better pet for you, cat or dog?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Are you a global citizen?
Are you dumb?
Are you drunk right now?
Are you crazy?
Are you a vampire?
Are you addicted to your iPhone?
Will you go to hell?
Are you a psycho?
Are you a genius?
Are you boring?
How weird are you?
Will vampires be attracted to you?
How scary are you?
How dumb are you?
The common sense test
Are you rude?
Is he trying to tell you he likes you?
What kind of underwear are you?
Why do people hate you?
Are you a sadist?
How gross are you?
Are you a Cheeseburger or a Hotdog?
Do your friends like your boyfriend or girlfriend?
Are you a warm color or a cool color?
What’s your secret superpower?