
Are you a genius?

Are you a genius?

Some people are born geniuses while some are just plain stupid. Which one are you? Find out with this quiz if you are a genius or not.


Did you play a lot of sport in high school?

In the last 2 weeks, how many books or magazines have you read that were about science, literature or other intellectually driven subjects?

What is your biggest fear when you are hanging out with friends or are at a party?

How many hours do you spend in the gym every week?

How many times have you been at the top of the class throughout school and college?

When your friends are trying to find answers to complicated mathematical or scientific problems, whom do they generally go to?

Are you fond of writing, whether it is a journal or a diary?

If you had to choose your role model from Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare and Al Pacino, who would it be?

How many teenage brawls have you been involved in?

Are you a genius?
You are not a genius.
You are inclined towards things in life that are not very intellectually challenging. You are not a born genius.
You are intelligent but not a genius.
You may have topped your class once in a while but you are definitely not a genius.
You are a born genius.
You have topped your classes throughout school and college. All your friends know that you are the most intelligent person.
You show a spark, being a genius once in a while. Your ingenuity is not consistent.
Sometimes you show signs of being a complete genius, at other times you are exactly the opposite.
Do you believe in vampires?

Do you believe in vampires?

Are you a globetrotter?

Are you a globetrotter?

How would you like your holiday to be?

How would you like your holiday to be?