
Are you a Cheeseburger or a Hotdog?

Are you a Cheeseburger or a Hotdog?

Depending on whether your personality is mild, strong or somewhere in between, you can tell which type of junk food you represent. Take this quiz and find out whether you are a cheeseburger or a hotdog.


Someone makes a bad remark about you in front of everyone. You

You have an important group presentation in office tomorrow. How would you prepare for it?

After a big fight with your friend, he/she takes the initiative and asks for forgiveness. How would you react?

You get a bad performance report in office even though you did pretty well throughout the month. You

You are at a party where two strangers get into a brawl. You

What would you rather do?

If an older cousin of yours handed down some clothes to you, would you accept them?

A friend of yours gets into trouble with the cops. He/she calls you to the venue for help. Would you go?

What is your motto in life?

Are you a Cheeseburger or a Hotdog?
You are a Hotdog.
You are a little hot headed and have unnecessary amount of pride and ego. You need to calm down a little.
You are a Cheeseburger.
You are fairly mild, calm and practical by nature. Just like people would love having cheeseburgers every day, everyone around you likes you a lot.
Do you believe in vampires?

Do you believe in vampires?

Are you a globetrotter?

Are you a globetrotter?

How would you like your holiday to be?

How would you like your holiday to be?