Online dating is turning out to be the new trend in the 21st century. Are you going to be a part of it? Find out if you would ever date someone online or not.
On how many social networking websites do you have a profile?
Have you ever registered yourself on an online dating site? If you have, how often do you check your account?
How much time do you spend every day looking at other people's profiles on sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.?
Have you ever accepted random friend requests just because the person had an attractive profile picture?
You've met someone online and have been chatting with them for a few days. Would you trust that person if they asked you for your phone number?
Have you ever flirted with anyone online?
How many pictures of yourself have you posted online?
You had a really bad day at work. Which of the below two things are you more likely to do?
Where do you get all your updates about your friends and family from?
Would you ever date someone you met online?
You are likely to date someone online.
You seem to enjoy the idea of interacting with other people online. You don't mind allowing others to look at your profile and are a social butterfly in the world of social networking.
You are not likely to date someone online.
You seem to prefer meeting people in person or talking to them over the phone rather than chat on the computer. You are least likely to date someone online.