A pet can be your best friend and your ideal buddy when you are alone. Which pet should you have, a cat or a dog? Find out with this fun quiz.
Would you like your pet to be a very active pet?
How would you like it if your pet needed to be taken out for walks every day?
Do you have a large home with many open spaces?
A pet that requires more maintenance in terms of grooming and other activities or a pet that requires very nominal maintenance - which one would you prefer?
Which of the below better describes your idea of a perfect pet?
Why do you want to get a pet?
Who do you find cuter, kittens or puppies?
What kind of a lifestyle do you follow?
What would your monthly budget for your pet be?
Which will be a better pet for you, cat or dog?
You should have a cat as a pet.
Cats are generally not as active as dogs and have a mind of their own. Their lives will not revolve around you alone. Cats are generally happy as long as they have been given food to eat, a warm place to sleep and a litter box.
You should have a dog as your pet.
Dogs are extremely warm, loving and active pets who like to be taken out on walks and like to indulge in playful activities. Dogs require more maintenance than cats and will crave for more attention.